Once upon a time, nestled in the heart of Kolkata, a bustling city known for its cultural heritage and delectable sweets, lived a dark-haired young boy named Sudip. As a toddler, Sudip was often seen with a pale face, almost white around the mouth, a common sight for many in his locality who fondly referred to him as the “quiet boy of Kolkata”.
Whooping cough
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious respiratory disease.
In homeopathy, remedies such as Drosera, Coccus Cacti, and Pertussinum are often used to help manage the symptoms of whooping cough.
In the single remedy portraits, ‘whooping cough’ could appear in narratives that discuss patients’ experiences with this condition and how homeopathic treatment aided in their recovery and symptom management.