Suresh Aggarwal, a vibrant young man hailing from the city of Coimbatore, South India, moved to Bremen, Germany for his higher studies. Known for his charismatic personality and love for social gatherings, his life was abruptly disrupted when he started experiencing unusual health symptoms. His parents, residing in India, were deeply concerned when they noticed drastic changes in his demeanor during their video calls.
Homeopathy offers personalized remedies to manage Chorea, a movement disorder that causes involuntary, unpredictable body movements.
Under the ‘Chorea’ theme on ‘The Single Remedy’, the remedy portraits illuminate the role of homeopathy in managing this condition, each telling a unique story of regained control and improved quality of life.
Sudip’s Encounter with Homeopathy and Dr. Singhal’s Cina
Once upon a time, nestled in the heart of Kolkata, a bustling city known for its cultural heritage and delectable sweets, lived a dark-haired young boy named Sudip. As a toddler, Sudip was often seen with a pale face, almost white around the mouth, a common sight for many in his locality who fondly referred to him as the “quiet boy of Kolkata”.