Once upon a time, in the mystical city of Udaipur, lived a Jain family, the Mehtas. In the labyrinth of history and heritage was born a young boy, Manish Mehta. Despite the city’s vibrancy and vitality, Manish’s life was a contrasting image of the beautiful landscapes he was surrounded by.
From a young age, he was a pale, lean boy, with muscles lax and flabby, his face always bearing a waxy pallor. As he grew older, this peculiar condition of his became more apparent.
At the young age of five, Manish experienced the first signs of what was to become a lifelong ailment. The boy who loved the spicy Rajasthani dishes started experiencing sour belching and burning water-brash, which his mother initially dismissed as a result of his indulgence. However, the signs were troubling, the child was losing weight rapidly, and his health was degrading.
Manish’s condition took a turn for the worse during his teenage years. He started to bleed from his nose, throat, and even when he brushed his teeth. The family doctor in Udaipur was unable to diagnose the issue and suggested they seek specialized help.
Desperate for a solution, the Mehtas moved to Gurugram, near New Delhi. That’s when they came across the renowned homeopathic doctor, Dr. Anil Singhal MD. Seeing Manish’s pale face, the severe weight loss, and after hearing his medical history, Dr. Singhal understood the severity of the situation.
After conducting detailed assessments, Dr. Singhal diagnosed Manish with a wasting disease. His condition had caused him great prostration, with symptoms ranging from severe thirst to copious, exhausting diarrhea, and drenching night sweats. There was even a struggle with sleeping on his back due to a sinking sensation in his abdomen causing dyspnea.
Dr. Singhal, with his profound knowledge of homeopathy, prescribed the remedy Acetic Acid to Manish. He reassured the family, his kind eyes reflecting confidence that came from years of experience. The family, although anxious, felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in years.
In the ensuing weeks, Manish began his treatment under Dr. Singhal. It was a long and arduous journey, but the young boy showed immense courage. He took his medication religiously and attended all his appointments with Dr. Singhal. As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Manish started showing signs of recovery. His bleeding stopped, the burning sensation in his stomach reduced, and his excessive thirst abated. He started gaining weight, the color returned to his cheeks, and he began to sleep better.
When Manish walked into Dr. Singhal’s clinic for his annual checkup after a year of treatment, he was no longer the pale, lean boy. His face had lost its waxy pallor, his muscles had gained strength, and he had a spark in his eyes. Dr. Singhal looked at him and smiled, a smile of satisfaction and achievement.
Manish, standing tall with newfound health, went up to Dr. Singhal, his eyes filled with gratitude. He began to speak, but words failed him initially, choked by the sheer magnitude of his emotions. Taking a deep breath, he tried again. “Dr. Singhal, you’ve given me a second chance at life. I can’t find the right words to express my gratitude. All I can say is thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
His father, Mr. Mehta, joined him, adding, “You are not just a doctor to us, Dr. Singhal. You have become a part of our family. Your deep knowledge, compassionate nature, and the perseverance with which you treated my son is something we’ll always hold in high regard.”
Manish’s younger sister chimed in, a bright smile illuminating her face. “Bhaiya can play with me now, and he even helps me with my homework. He’s no longer in pain, and it’s all thanks to you, Dr. Singhal. You are my hero!”
Manish’s friends, who had been through the ups and downs of this journey with him, expressed their respect for Dr. Singhal too. “It’s incredible to see the difference in Manish. You’ve not only treated him, Dr. Singhal, but also given us our friend back. We are forever thankful to you.”
Weeks later, Manish held a small get-together to celebrate his recovery. He made it a point to invite Dr. Singhal. There, in front of all the guests, Manish made a toast to Dr. Singhal, “To our guardian angel, Dr. Anil Singhal, who pulled me out from the clutches of death and gave me a new life. Thank you for everything.”
Dr. Singhal, listening to these heartfelt words, felt a deep sense of contentment. To him, the journey wasn’t easy, but seeing Manish healthy and thriving, surrounded by friends and family who loved him, made all the effort worthwhile. The gratefulness expressed by everyone reminded him of the reason he had chosen this path – to bring a positive change in people’s lives. Manish’s case had been a challenge, but the result was worth every moment spent. He held Manish’s family in a warm gaze and said, “Seeing Manish healthy is the best reward I could ask for. Remember, health is the real wealth, always take care of it.” His words left an indelible mark on everyone present, a reminder of the journey they had been through and the miracle they had witnessed.
Source: HC Allen’s Keynotes.