Meet Manju, an Aggarwal woman hailing from the bustling city of Jaipur, Rajasthan. Born into a jeweler’s family, Manju was a vibrant, energetic young girl. But even at a young age, she started showing peculiar symptoms that worried her parents – ulcers in her mouth, highly sensitive to touch, appearing deep, perforating, and bearing a bluish-black base. They bled easily and showed signs of sloughing, alarming her parents and leading to a journey in search of medical help.
Pregnancy is a natural physiological condition that brings about several changes in a woman’s body. It’s a time of significant hormonal, physical, and emotional shifts, which can sometimes result in discomforts or complications.
Homeopathy considers pregnancy as a part of the totality of a woman’s health and life cycle, and provides gentle and safe remedies for various conditions associated with pregnancy.
Remedies like Pulsatilla, Sepia, and Nux Vomica are commonly used to treat symptoms such as morning sickness, heartburn, or mood swings.
In The Single Remedy’s portraits, ‘pregnancy’ could refer to the experiences of pregnant women, the symptoms they faced, or the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies in providing relief during pregnancy.
Sepia’s Triumph from Dubai: Manisha’s Path to Healing with Dr Singhal MD
Our story unfolds around a woman named Manisha Agarwal, originally from the vibrant city of Ahmedabad, but migrated to the bustling city of Dubai for a better life. Manisha was a striking woman with an easy disposition, dark hair, and a rigid constitution. Being the resilient woman she was, she embraced the challenges life threw at her.