Meet Zafar, a middle-aged Parsi gentleman hailing from the vibrant city of Ahmedabad in Gujarat. Born into a family of weavers, Zafar spent most of his early life surrounded by vibrant threads and intricate patterns. Yet, his life was far from seamless. As a child, Zafar was prone to catarrhal and scrofulous inflammations which would often leave him bedridden for days.
In homeopathy, colic is viewed as a symptom that can manifest in various parts of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract (as in infant colic or gallbladder colic) and the urinary system (as in renal colic).
Remedies such as Colocynthis, Chamomilla, and Magnesia Phosphorica are often used to relieve the severe, cramping pain associated with colic.
In the single remedy portraits, ‘colic’ could refer to patients’ experiences with this painful condition and how homeopathic remedies helped alleviate their symptoms.
Beneath the Magnesia Phosphorica: Naveen’s Tale of Survival and Gratitude
Once upon a time in the bustling city of Bhubaneswar in Eastern India, there lived an Aggarwal family known for their trade in textiles. The family’s young scion, Naveen, was a promising business graduate, but destiny had another plan for him. A dark-complexioned, nervously organised man, Naveen was known for his tireless dedication to his family business.
Colocynthis Cure: Ranjan’s Fight against Pain with Dr. Singhal
From the bustling city of Kolkata lived a lively young man named Ranjan. He was known for his active participation in social activities and his vibrant presence in the neighborhood. He had a caring heart and a spirited mind, admired for his zeal and dedication. However, Ranjan’s life was not always full of excitement.
Rajat’s Journey with Dr. Anil Singhal: Berberis Vulgaris to the Rescue
In the quaint city of Bhopal, in the heart of India, lived a man named Rajat. As a young boy, Rajat was energetic and playful, but he often complained of pains that seemed to target his lower abdomen and back. While the pain was usually bearable, there were instances when it escalated to an almost unbearable intensity.
Lakshmi’s Health Transformation Under Dr. Singhal’s Care with Aloe
Born in the serene city of Coimbatore in southern India, Lakshmi’s life was an intriguing tale of symptoms that trailed her through her life’s stages, leading her eventually to the renowned homeopath Dr. Anil Singhal MD. of Gurugram, near New Delhi.